Monday, March 24, 2008

The Northern Circuit

Well, after four days in the bush, it's nice to sleep in a real bed again!

It was an adventure, but an amazing trip. Lijanne and I decided to do the four day Northern Circuit which includes the famous Tongariro Crossing, the best one day tramp in all of NZ. We did that on our first day and it was bruuutal. We brought a regular backpack and my big bag for the trip. I think my bag weighed roughly 400 pounds, but I never got an measurement so I may be off by 10-15 pounds. You start the tramp by doing what they call the Devil's Staircase. I think the name says enough. I went picture nutty while I was up there. I think in total I have about 280 pictures and about 10 minutes in video. I would have done more but my batteries ran were running out and I didn't want to have to miss something at the end. I'll be putting 4 albums up on facebook for all the pictures. I'm sure some aren't the most exciting, but I can't be bothered trying to sort through all of them right now. There are some amazing shots and some not so, I'll try and make another album of just what I think are the best, but if you feel like running through all of them I think you won't be disappointed on the whole.

Anyway, lots and lots of hiking the first day. We went to one of the summits, not the Mt. Doom one, it was entirely too steep to do with a huge pack on and we had a long ways to go to our first hut for the night. I got a great video of LiLu trying to pick up my pack and put it on to see what I had to carry. She couldn't even lift it off the ground, it was pretty funny because she didn't realize I was recording the whole thing. I also got a silly video of me pretending my bag was Mr. Frodo and I was Samwise. I was acting out one of the last scenes where Sam picks up Frodo and carries him the last bit up Mt. Doom, it's a laugh as well. When we finally made it to the camp site about 8 hours later I was completely obliterated. I didn't even want to eat I was so tired. I think I slept (fitfully in my tent) about 12 hours that night after eating. We tried of course to eat the heaviest things first to lighten up the packs. In the morning was the most amazing sunrise. I think I took about 15 pictures of it. From about 6000 feet up we were above the lower cloud line and could see the sun shining over the top with a lake under the clouds. The pictures were simply incredible!

The next day was much better, after a full nights sleep I was ready to go again, and with some of the heavier canned soups gone the pack was much lighter. LiLu said it was still the same so I think it was a combination of a lighter pack and getting used to carrying the weight that made the second day so much easier. More pictures of everything along the way were taken and I was in high spirits. We made it to the second hut and I set up my tent again. I was on a cliff edge and I had a great view of the valley and a waterfall in the not too far distance. LiLu and I went down to the waterfall for a quick bath, which was great, though quite cold, which you can tell from my facial expression in the picture. Nights on the track tend to end when it gets dark and start when the sun rises, which means lots of sleep, for so much hiking I wasn't complaining with that. Day three brought our shortest day. There was a group of girls that didn't have inside voices that were driving me crazy in the morning, at 7:30 you shouldn't be shouting (talking waaay too loudly) at each other. The hike to the next hut was supposed to be 3 hours, but LiLu and I made a game out of catching people that left before we did and we were trucking it all the way to the next hut. We ended up making it in an hour and 45 minutes which was pretty sweet and a good workout (especially with a full pack as LiLu carried the food which was diminishing and I carried everything else). We ended up to a little natural spring that wasn't too far away and going for a quick rinse and to fill up our drinking water. The water tasted amazing. I got some right from where it was coming out of the ground from an underground stream. It was brutally cold, much colder than any other water I've been in except for Chelan in the middle of winter (though maybe just as cold).

We met a family of Kiwis there and had a great time laughing and playing cards with each other. I got there names and they are from Christchurch on the south island. Another connection for when I come back (perhaps with some fellow Americans this time)! The last day we went back to Whakapapa Village to catch our ride back to Taupo where I am now. On the way we stopped and took a few pictures of a lake which looked really cool, I wanted to go for a swim but we had a bus to catch and would have taken us about an hour to get too from where we saw it. We also stopped at some falls on the way back. I waited for there to be just a few tourists around and then run under it for a photo ( I didn't want to ruin every ones photos by being in the middle of it). It was really cold water and stung when it hit me. When it dumped it nearly knocked me over from the force of it. So much happened and at the same time it was so chill, I know I'm forgetting parts of it. Hopefully the pictures will tell more of the tale that I may have forgotten. It was an amazing trip, though I never got a good nights sleep and my feet are pretty wrecked now. It was well worth it and I'd do it again (and climb Mt. Doom!) in a heartbeat.

Tomorrow is my birthday and LiLu and I are going to have a Mexican night! We'll go out and get some Mexican (or stuff to make it if we can't find one) and get a bottle of tequila with some lemons (the limes here suck!) and have a fun night out!

After that we are off to Wellington where we will check out the capital city and all it has to offer. From there we want to rent a car and tour around the east cape of the north island, which is all Maori land and supposed to be a truly amazing experience (along with the views of course). One spot on the cape is supposed to be the first place (arguably) to see the sun rise each morning! I've heard you can take a horse ride really early in the morning and see the sun rise from horseback which would be super sweet! We'll see what we can get our hands on.

On the bus ride home from the Northern Circuit I started talking with an older Kiwi couple that lived in Kerikeri, which is really close to Paihia where I spent a month of my time. They were really nice people and we talked about the man's boats. He has an 18 foot class A Cat! As they were leaving they gave me there names and told me to look them up if I make my way back up to the Bay of Islands and maybe they would take me out for a sail! LiLu and I were planning on heading back up that way because it's so nice and relaxed and I've got tons of connections for free accommodation and cheap living. I think we'll head back up there for the last week or so and see another side of it!

It's great to hear from everyone through facebook and through comments on this blog, I really look forward to reading and hearing from people back home. Keep it coming!
Photo Albums 1-4 for the Northern Circuit:


Unknown said...

It made me smile to hear you speak of your bag as Frodo... I swear, every time I'm on a bridge I always yell 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS!' and make great Gandalf motions with my invisible staff.... ahhhh, what dorks we are. Glad to hear you are having fun! Miss you!

Unknown said...

4 days of bush...I see what you di - nevermind. Coldest water ever huh? I see how it is, just have to keep one-upping. You'll have to get up to the cabin on memorial day. The water doesn't feel cold, it just hurts. I'm only going in if you do...and I'm going to regret saying that.

Speaking of cold, it's supposedly going to snow here Thursday/Friday. WTF is that about? I'm ready for spring.

I spent a bunch of time last weekend installing the train horn on my truck. Troy and I got some video of it going through the I-90 tunnels on Mercer Island. It certainly is loud. I will now announce my imminent arrival at the cabin by sounding the horn when getting off the highway! Jackie says that it's much better than my stock horn. I have yet to use it for its true purpose though - making a bad driver see (and hopefully feel) the error of his/her ways.

Expert songs are slowly falling on GH2. Psychobilly Freakout is on the way though, so that'll bring an end to my parade.

Jackie and I are off to Disneyland in the second week of April (for 2 days anyway) for her spring break. I'm sure there will be enough kids there to fill up the Epcot ball. Space Mountain? More like Snot Face Mountain. Go Go Gadget Coaster? More like Go Go Gadget Stroller.

Ah well, I'm still looking forward to it.

Have a good last month.

Anonymous said...

Yo Dainer! Terrific travelogue. Sailing an A Class cat in some breeze! Do it once and you'll be hooked. Catamarans are a blast and those things are monsters! I think I will spend my Sunboat money on a used Hobie 16 one day. H16 + pre-storm winds = CRAZY SPEED FUN! I support the last week in the P-town vote!

Easter went by without a hitch. I wrote a song for Good Friday that dramatized Jesus' passion story as found in Luke and it was a knock-out. People actually sent me letters saying how it affected them. That was a cool inspiration and a lucky result considering I wrote it that morning and performed it that night. On Easter, I played flute with a trumpet and trombone during the service. I was lame but we got through it. We even had a little applause which says a lot for the charity of the congregation. Regarding work, I'm getting contracts done for Idaho and we are only a week away from the celebration. It's such an important win for me. I have the hardest sales job in the company by far.

Shari reports having above-excellent times in Tucson with Terri. Terri actually got up and went for a nature walk today! In the morning! No pack though. This is a big leap for her, little Miss Couch Potato. I am always amazed at how slim and cute she stays. Sharon is doing great on her non-smoking. She is stronger and prettier for it. I hope she can continue with equal success. They will be home on Friday. Happy Birthday to you! I am sure this will rate as one of the very special ones. I am glad you have Lilu to celebrate with you.

Well, that's it for me. Peace, my man!

Love Dad

Unknown said...

Hey Samwise,

Think you could haul my ass up that mountain? I'm a little heavier than Frodo, but about the same height.

Yeah, like Tim said... it's friggin' been snowing up here. THE HELL IS THAT?!?! I had like 2 inches on my car. It's almost APRIL!

By the way, when you get back, you might be cruisin' around in my new Suburban and a new 18 foot sea boat. har har!

When are you coming back, foo? We need our... umm... whatever you were in LOTRO.
