Thursday, March 6, 2008

Some pics!

Here is the local kitty kitty Bobby. She is such a tease! She will walk up to me and stop three feet and make me walk the rest of the way!

The rest are from the Huruu (something like that..) falls hike that Lijanne and I did. It was about a 11 mile tramp both ways, good exercise and beautiful! Of course I had to do some climbing on the local flora while I was here! Almost fell in a couple times!


Unknown said...

By the way, I have topped all of your Guitar Hero 2 scores.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Anonymous said...


There's a kitty! Now you've seen it all!

Lijanne sounds like a super-babe. Definitely post pics for your mom and dad to gaze upon.

Idaho Central CU (that big deal I was working on)closed. We got it! The first one is a big one and a great start.

As Tim reminds you, real life awaits! Work and records to recover! Coming back no-debt is smart thinking. And since you've been there, you know the way. Going slower is richer as long as your eyes and your heart are open.

Love Dad and Shari